We are so excited for the 2024 – 2025 dance year! Below are some important dates for this fall.
SEPTEMBER 3, 2024: Classes begin
OCTOBER 12, 2024: Urban HayDay Festival in Hudsonville. The Disney performing group from Ohana will be performing at 11:00am and 12:00pm!
OCTOBER 16, 2024: Holiday Show costume fees will be charged
OCTOBER 31, 2024: Halloween-No classes, studio will be closed
NOVEMBER 11-14, 2024: Holiday costume handout week!
NOVEMBER 18, 2024: Spring Recital 2025 costume fees charged to account
NOVEMBER 27-DECEMBER 1, 2024: Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
DECEMBER 12, 2024: Rehearsal for Holiday Show at FairHaven Church
DECEMBER 13, 2024: Holiday Show at FairHaven Church
DECEMBER 16-19, 2024: Christmas PJ Week! Wear you own Christmas PJ’s to class
DECEMBER 20, 2024 – JANUARY 5, 2025: Holiday Break – Studio will be closed
JANUARY 6, 2025: Classes Resume
AMAZING!! You voted us into the TOP 10 of 2023’s Best of Grand Rapids for Families Grandtasic Awards in the BEST DANCE STUDIO/LESSONS category!
(You can find our name on the winner’s list at grkids.co/best2023.)
We’re so excited to be part of the list of awesome places that make West Michigan the best for families. And it’s all because of YOU! Your support and votes mean everything to us. Thank you!
REGISTRATION LINK – Registration for the 2024/2025 dance year is open.
Please email (ohanadancestacy@gmail.com or ohanadancesara@gmail.com) for class information or visit the 2024/2025 class schedule tab above.
Please search for Ohana Dance Company on social media for studio updates. Facebook, instagram and youtube.
We are proud to announce that we partner with the following Homeschool Programs:
- Jenison International Academy
- Hamilton Virtual School Program
- Icademy Global
- Saugatuck Public Schools
- Niles Virtual School
Ohana means family.
At Ohana we want kids and adults to feel at home and be a part of our family. We provide a fun safe atmosphere where students are trained proper dance technique. Music that is positive and uplifting will be used along with appropriate dance moves.